Our Story

My wife is a Jamaican who loves patties. Unable to find one with a great filling and a nice flaky crust, we decided to make our own. Using her knowledge of Jamaican spices and my skills as a chef, we pooled our resources together and got to work. With lots of research, trials and errors, we were able to make patties that were flaky and had the perfect flavour! Yaad Patty was born. Yaad Patty is a family owned mobile food vendor selling handmade Jamaican patties from scratch using real island flavors and authentic ingredients. Yaad Patty also specializes in Jamaican Jerk which is prepared in a traditional Jerk Pan. “Yaad” means “home” in Patois, the Jamaican language. We aspire to bring your taste buds to the beautiful island of Jamaica, with every bite you take of our meals. And for those who originate, back to their “yaad.”
Check us out on instagram and facebook for live updates of deals, specials and our location.